Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First Quarter Schedule of GPA

August 5, 2009 (Wednesday)
  • Queenship of Mary
  • Patronage of Mary
August 6, 2009 (Thursday)
  • Holy Name of Mary
  • Humility of Mary
  • Purification of Mary
  • Nativity of Mary

Requirements for the First Quarter

1. Research Work (History of Internet)
2. Journal Writing (notebook)

3. Hands - on Activities
4. GPA

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Best Group by Section

Nativity of Mary - Google Group
Queenship of Mary- Yahoo Group
Patronage of Mary- Friendster Group
Holy Name of Mary- You Tube Group
Purification of Mary- Google Group
Humility of Mary - Friendster Group

Congratulations! - Ms. Laxamana

Most Behave Class of the Week

1. Patronage of Mary
2. Queenship of Mary
3. Nativity of Mary

Congratulations! - Ms. Laxamana

Journal Writing #4

Where can you best apply your skill in saving?

Journal Writing #3

How important are the menu bar and toolbars in MS Publisher?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Best Group by Section

Nativity of Mary – Yahoo Group
Queenship of Mary – Google Group
Patronage of Mary – Yahoo Group
Holy Name of Mary – Google Group
Humility of Mary – Google Group
Purification of Mary – Yahoo Group

Congratulations! - Ms. Laxamana


Most Behave Class of the Week
1. Patronage of Mary
2. Queenship of Mary
3. Humility of Mary

Best E-News of the Week

Hey Marians, do you know that the latest trend in computing is wearable computers? These computers can be worn on the body and are often used in the study of behavior modeling and human health. When the users’ hands and sensory organs are engaged in other activities, wearable computer are great help in tracking human actions. Wearable computers are consistently in operation as they do not have to be turned on and off and are constantly interacting with the user. Well, this informative and interesting E-News was shared by Nathan William Kent B. Varona of Holy Name of Mary. Bravo Nathan! ---Ms. Laxamana

Sunday, July 12, 2009


I would like you CONGRATULATE the following MOST BEHAVE class:

1. Humility of Mary
2. Holy Name of Mary
3. Patronage of Mary

Keep it up! - Ms. Laxamana