Friday, February 5, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Journal Writing #4

What is the importance of inserting header and footer in a document and worksheet?

Journal Writing #3

Do short – cut commands help you in manipulating MS Excel program? How?

Journal Writing #2

Why do we need to enter correct formula in MS Excel?

Journal Writing #1

Is freezing / unfreezing worksheet important? Why?

Fourth Quarter Scope Sequence

• Inserting, Deleting and Moving Cells
• Sorting Cell Entries and Inserting, Positioning, Resizing Graphics
• Customizing Windows Layout
• Entering Formulas
• Entering Functions
• Type of Graphs
• Creating Graphs
• Modifying Graphs and Tables
• Short – Cut Keys
• Inserting Header and Footer
• Formatting Worksheet/ Graphs
• Reading and Interpretation of Graphs
• Page Set- up and Previewing Charts